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Children's Workshops

Reiki Kids     Level 1

Workshop for Sensitive & Perceptive Kids

Designed to teach your child about the energy around them, and provide them with tools they can use to manage their own energy and setting appropriate boundaries. Our goal is to facilitate and grow a community of conscious-minded children. We will provide a safe space for children to learn, practice and share the wonderful world of Reiki.

This workshop is best suited for ages 6-12 year olds

Your child will be receiving attunement to Usui Reiki Level 1

Kids workbook and craft project included.


Cost: $75.00  for one child

$125.00 for Two Children (siblings)

$175.00 for Three or More Children (siblings)



Sept 18 & 25, 2024 , 2024
6:00 - 7:30 PM Two Wed Evenings

Register Here


Reiki Kids     Level 2

Reiki kids level two is designed for children 6-12 that would like to deepen their understanding of reiki. This class will expand on the teachings in Level one. Children will be taught the first three Usui Reiki symbols and their appropriate uses. The kids will be able to further their understanding of the charkas and will be introduced to the use of crystals. 

This is a fun interactive class for creative children and is a safe place for learning and sharing.

Kids Reiki Level Two workbook is included.
Pre-requisite: Usui Kids Reiki Level 1

Cost: $75.00  for one child

$125.00 for Two Children (siblings)

$175.00 for Three or More Children (siblings)

Date to be announced


Crystral kids Level one_edited.jpg

In this fun interactive class your child will be introduced to the Crystal Realm. They will learn how to care for their crystals with methods to clear, charge, and program them. Each child will receive their own pouch of starter crystals and a crystal booklet.

Recommended Age 6-12


Cost 35.00 includes Workbook and 

Starter Crystals- which is mailed to you prior to class 



Wed. Oct 2, 2024

$35.00 per Child

Register here


Reiki Kids level two picture.JPG

In this In this class we expand our understanding of crystals and how they can work for us. Especially in regard to our Charkas. We will be making a Crystal Chakra Bracelet which they a will take home along with the level two booklet. 

Children 6-12

Cost $40.00


Date to be announced




Honoring Our Sensitive Kids Workshop

Finally a workshop we have all been waiting for. Honoring our Sensitive Kids! This workshop is for both Adults and Children Age 6-12.

Adult Webinar is emailed prior to childrens workshop, and there will be a online Q & A a few weeks after the workshop for parents with Cindy, Deb And Nola. 


If you have children outside of the above age perimeter and would like them to attend please email to talk to us about it.


  What does Sensitive mean?

  • kids who trust in their knowing

  • kids who feel everything (and sometimes just want to shut out the world)

  • kids who feel, see, hear more than us adults do

  • Kids who may experience anxiety and no explanation

  • kids who may experience fear/unjustified

  • kids who have trouble sleeping because of being sensitive to energy around them

  • The list can go on and on

  • If you have questions whether this workshop is a fit for your child please contact us!

  • Over the years of teaching Angel Empowerment many adults have taken the course so they can understand their child/grandchild who describe what they feel, see and know outside of the physical. My goal has always been to teach adults and children to keep out of Fear and Trust in their own Intuition. Understand to use your natural senses/intuition without fear. This is why I am so excited to have adults and children learning the basic skills together to support each other outside of the workshop. Learn the tools and practice together.


Sunday Oct 6, 2024

10:00 AM - 1:30 PM

In Person


One child $125.00

Two children (same family) $200.00

Three or more children (same family) $250.00 


Teacher Deb Weinberger


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© 2017

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